The online FAG 540295 DOUBLE ROW TAPERED THRUST ROLLER BEARINGS parts store gives you immediate China Rexroth a10v Hydraulic Pump Supplier 29609-2247 manufacturer catalog number: access to a selection of 0.7 lb Weight more than 1.4 million new, used, remanufactured.

Model Number:FAG 540295
Weight:0.7 lb
manufacturer catalog number::29609-2247
shaft diameter::2.3600 in
misalignment tolerance::0.010 in
harmonization code::8487900040.US
maximum shaft surface speed::12000 fpm
lip material::Labyrinth
D:3.2500 in

Product Details

Weight0.7 lb
manufacturer catalog number:29609-2247
shaft diameter:2.3600 in
misalignment tolerance:0.010 in
harmonization code:8487900040.US
maximum shaft surface speed:12000 fpm
lip material:Labyrinth
D3.2500 in
pressure tolerance:Ambient
continuous temperature range:-22 to 400°F
width:0.3750 in
construction description:Guardian® Flange
typical application:Exceptional Bearing
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Phone +1-248-324-4705
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